Alcohol And Drug Substance Abuse

Addiction is different from substance abuse, which is classified as using prescription drugs, alcohol, or any other legal substances incorrectly or in excessive quantities, but one may be able to stop the usage without assistance.

Addiction is a disease in which the person is not able to stop the usage, and may cause harm to themselves and/or others.

Look for signs of substance abuse since it affects people differently.   There are often changes such as sleeping odd hours, problems at work or with family, a strong desire to use a substance, changing friends often, lack of personal hygiene or care, mood swings, becoming isolated, losing interest in the things once enjoyed and sometimes eating more or less than before.

Substance abuse and addition are related to consuming excessive alcohol, as well as prescription drugs and over the counter medications, heroin, marijuana, along with cigarettes and other types of nicotine.

During Covid 19 there has been a higher instance of substance abuse, per the CDC.

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