Individual Disability Insurance
Your most valued asset isn’t your home or your car. It is your paycheck. With disability insurance you are covering a portion of your most valued asset. From farmers, to nurses, to lawyers and more everyone should consider protecting their paychecks. if you were to become disabled and out of work how would you pay your bills? Individual disability does just that. It is insurance between you and your paycheck. The most common question we hear is “it won’t happen to me”, but the truth is people become disabled everyday in America. Either by spinal injury, back injury, cancer, heart attack and more.
Disability policies vary in how they define “disabled.” Some policies pay out only if you can’t work any job for which you’re qualified. Others pay out if you can’t perform a job in your occupation. Some policies cover partial disability, which means they pay a portion of the benefit if you can work part time. Others pay only if you can’t work at all.