Sleep Apnea

There are three different types of sleep apnea, with different causes.  Insurers use the Apnea-hypopnea index.  It indicates the severity of the sleep apnea and will play a role in the final rate class.

  • Obstructive sleep apnea — The throat is obstructed by things like swollen tonsils, an enlarged tongue or muscles relaxing. It’s also often caused by excess weight.

  • Central sleep apnea — There aren’t any outside sources obstructing the throat; it’s simply due to the brain not sending the proper signals to the body to keep breathing.

  • Mixed sleep apnea — A combination of the above.

If we can show active steps are being taken to treat the condition, the offer may be at a more affordable rate class.  That is why it is important to never assume you’re uninsurable, no matter the condition

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